Saturday, May 3, 2014

Half Steps, Whole Steps and Pentascales

My student, C, had already learnt some of the five-finger major pentascale positions and was eager to complete the technique chart on my wall.

So out came the half step and whole step cards. I used the materials from

By analysing the notes in the few pentascales that he had already learnt by rote, he figured out for himself that the pentascale pattern is Whole-Whole-Half-Whole.

Which meant that he could construct a pentascale in any key. Which also meant that he completed all the major key pentascales on the technique chart today. ;)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

5th Performers' Festival

2 more days till registration closes for Singapore's 5th Performers' Festival. Hurry if you haven't already registered. Register online at

Happy Monday!

This business of training little humans for life is a mind-boggling process.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Toys as Teaching Aids

My students are often amused when I produce toys from my cupboard to use a as teaching aids.

A few days ago, I used play-dough to teach singing tone.

Today, it was these little fellas. Guess what we did with these?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Technique Achievement Chart - AWARDS!

What's a Technique Challenge without Awards?

Finally got down to getting the prizes I promised for completing the Technique Achievement Chart! :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Scales - Technique Achievement Chart

As of today, Irvin has completed the pentascales of all the major and minors (red stars).

Cindy has completed the 4 octave scales of all the major and harmonic minor keys (gold stars).

Noel has completed the 4 octave scales of all the major, melodic minor and harmonic minor keys (gold stars).

Congrats! ;)